A downloadable game

Visualization by sound. Listen to the echo to see where you are going. 

In this game, you play as a bat searching for food. 

Navigate through caves and forests using echolocation to hunt prey while avoiding vigilant owls. 

The longer you stay in the forest, the more the tension builds.

It is recommended to play with a headset or earbuds.


  • You navigate the map using your echolocation ability to visualize the surrounding objects.
  • When you leave the cave, you need to catch the fireflies while evading the owls' gazes.


  • Use the WASD keys to fly around.
  • Use the left shift key to toggle between flying and gliding.
    • While flying, the bat maintains a constant speed but moves slower overall.
    • While gliding, the bat gains significant speed but loses speed when ascending.
  • Press E to use echolocation.
  • Press the space bar to stop and hover in place, and press it again to resume flying.

Updated 9 days ago
Published 10 days ago
TagsAudio, bats, echolocation, Flying, Unity


MaximeSmit_Ma24_Build_Echo.zip 108 MB

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